Friday, September 21, 2012

Evolution Of Love III - The Unfinished Business..

July 22nd 2012 :

"Well when in the first part of this “Trilogy”, I did mention something about buying time, seems like I was too rich to buy too much of it. So here I am after a good couple of months to come back and finally be done with the pompous piece. It’s strange when it comes to writing, you are so comfortable writing about things around, but the minute you have to start writing about some thing which is really close to your heart, you suddenly seem lost for words, your thought process is jammed and refuse to budge like a cow in the middle of the road. You tell yourself to take it easy, it’s not like it’s an assignment to be completed. Simultaneously you are questioning your mind – ‘Why do you cease to stop when it matters?? ‘- Something similar to what Rahul Bose experienced in that cool movie “Pyaar ke Side Effects” when Sophie (phhewww!!) calls him for “coffee” to her place. Well the only difference being he had a different organ of the human body that was not “rising up” to the occasion. Well without dwelling much into my dilemma of writing and putting up this one, I think the 2-3 readers of this blog are sold on my excuses for publishing this late."

Aug 23rd 2012 : 

"So, the mature love story, where apparently both the parties are mature about the whole feeling called love at the same time constantly being judged by their baggage of the past.  As in the movie Before Sunset Celine puts it wonderfully - “Memories are wonderful things, if you don't have to deal with the past”. In this stage of evolution, men (I can vouch only for them) are in a relationship primarily because, they have never been in a relationship before or they think that in spite of all the short comings the current girl has, he’s ready to accept her because by then probably his self confidence is shattered and is constantly questioning his ability of getting a “better” girl than he’s currently with, and of course there’s the peer pressure to settle down. All this combine to form a good enough reason to give you your first “You can make a movie out of my life” thought, if its for the good reasons then you are sorted and lucky. If it’s for the bad reasons, then you still have lots in store my friend. In spite of all these “mind f**k” moments there are so many good reasons to be in love with that person whom you are eventually looking to settle down with. The..........

10th Sept 2012 :


22nd Sept 2012 :


The Devil Inside You : Ha ha...You just can't write the epic climax...can you? What is it...Writers block..? Boredom? or...let me guess....just plain running away from writing something very close to your heart..of which you cant make fun of with your so called "sarcastic" wit!!

Me : Comeon! I am just bored of the same old template and concept...The usual boring couple of intro paragraphs, then the cheesy, mushy paragraph where the female audience will go "awwwwww" on and the male kind goes "Ee...bahut lamba phekta hei re...yeh!" and then the corny low resolution youtube videos and at last this "let me get inside my brains section" shit where we are right now!!!

The Devil Inside You : Such a coward you are, running away from things faster than Usain Bolt on dope! You just cant face you??! Isnt that the truth......?

Me : I wonder how people work out of the same in and day out for rest of once creative life...Madhur Bhandarkar...Respect!! Your patience level "figuratively" is as huge as Kim Kadarshians posterior man...!! (Eh..comeon..That's hugeeee...huh!)

The Devil Inside You : Sucker.....


  1. Wow Abhijit!! Didn't know u were into writing as well! Must say its gr8! Love always evolves, be it with time or people. Happy writing!Waiting for more!! :D

    1. Lolzz...never expected a comment here...It's one of the least read posts :D
      But yeah as u rightly said (which comes across in your blog too)love always evolves...would love to revisit this post..or write a complex love story with layers..Arghh!!Too much of a dreamer i am :D
